Spotlight on Abstract Artists
Four Types Of Abstract Art You Should Know
Abstract is a vast genre of art with history dating back to the late 19th century, where it first appeared in Europe before really taking off in the 20th century. Abstract art is conceptual, striking, and sometimes intangible. The...
Abstract Love
I don't know what it is about shapes, color and gesture, but I can't get enough of abstract art. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but we get that people are different. Where did abstract art come from anyway?...
A Year In Abstract
When a year is so fresh and new as it is today, we may have some goals for the year in mind, but we might not know exactly how those goals will play out in detail. In fact, it's...
Straight Lines
If you're more of a linear person and like your ducks all in a row, you might just be a left brained person. In honor of clean and simple shapes, here's some art that won't throw you a curve...