Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
Animation Art Animation Art
In 1908, French artist Émile Cohl created the first animated film using what came to be the 1908 Fantasmagorie, where he drew out every frame by hand. It was through Cohl’s work that the idea of animation spread to...
That Time of Year Again That Time of Year Again
It’s that time of year again! Grab your pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters and Halloween costumes because it’s almost autumn, baby! Okay, so it may only be September, but it is never too early to get your fall on....
Summer’s Last Hurrah Summer’s Last Hurrah
Although summer isn't officially over in the Northern Hemisphere for 20 more days, it may feel officially over now that we're past Labor Day. In honor of what is a favorite season for many, we wanted to keep the...
Unfinished But Not Uninteresting Unfinished But Not Uninteresting
Whether by dramatic circumstances, loss of interest, or reasons unknown, some great works of art are never completed. These tiny mysteries force us art fans to wonder about what might have been. Here are some of the most famous...