When we think about the paintings hanging on our walls, we may consider the artist, the time period, but do we think about the paintings medium or the material used to make the artwork?
Today, let’s focus on one type of paint: oil paint. Oil paint is very common in fine arts and is one of the most popular types of paint used worldwide, for many good reasons. First, oil paint is very slow to dry, meaning that artists can continue to tinker with the painting for a while. Second, the vibrancy and flexibility of colors in oil paints can make for beautiful works of art.
Oil paint is made of tiny pigment particles which are then frozen in drying oil. Then the paint can be added to white spirits or turpentine to make it more glossy. The ingredients can vary by manufacturer, but that’s the basic makeup of oil paint. Thanks to Van Eyck, his use of color was a smashing success and soon thereafter, oil paints were all the rage across Europe and for the most part, they remain very popular today. In fact, you can find original oil paintings in all the world’s most famous museums, as well as in the shopping carts of artists at your local art supply store.
At Zatista, we have a wide selection of paintings made with all types and many materials. Whether it’s oil, acrylic or watercolor, you know you can find the perfect piece of original art here on Zatista.com.
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