Art in a Small Space
And Now For Something a Little Different…
I have a very fun design client who is often looking for artwork that's a little unusual, a tad edgy, and a bit unexpected. Her typical request is, "I want it to look like it's from the window of...
One Guy’s Take on Buying Art, Redux
Ideally, anytime you purchase art you will be making an investment--one that will appreciate nicely, if not astronomically. And realistically, while Madelyn is definitely right about the $10,000 threshold, let's face it: one man's Fiat is another man's Ferrari...
Turn Up the Warmth in Any Room
If the walls of your home feature little more than an IKEA bulletin board and a couple of old AC/DC posters, your home is probably about as a warm as the set of a detective show...
Don’t Be Afraid of the Art
I have some friends who need to be coaxed into visiting art galleries. Does anyone else feel that way?