Continuing with our series on Featured Zatista artists, Steven Miller is a phenomenal abstract artist living in New York, NY. He has studied the human figure and landscapes, much of which has led him to his style of abstract artwork.
Interestingly, he says that, “I began with producing series of drawings based on different viruses. From these initial studies I painted my first large format oils on wooden doors, exploring and expanding upon the studies that I had done involving photo-electronic images of viruses.”
Miller’s original artwork with enticing colors and patterns is highly sought after. His work has been featured on “Sex and the City”, “Revenge”, and “Fraiser”.
These are just a few pieces from his captivating collection of paintings.
Check out more of Steven Miller’s paintings for sale on!
I am so happy with my Steven W. Miller paintings.
I own four and love living with them. What I like even more is they have increased in value and continue to do so. Great investment to boot!